Reasons for Statement

In terms of your relationship with you, our customer, supplier, or employer, personal information will be collected and processed.  As a responsible party under the POPI Act, Shannon Elizabeth Foundation acknowledges the compliance aspects of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) and respects the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information.


Shannon Elizabeth Foundation as a responsible party we will process your data in line with the conditions as stipulated in POPI to:

  • Comply with the provisions of POPIA and only process your information as per the respective conditions.
  • Accept responsibility and accountability to manage and protect your Personal Information in our business relationship.
  • Only obtain information from yourself for transactions and/or subsequent agreements as indicate in our Privacy Policy.
  • Where applicable, obtain the necessary consent, which can be withdrawn.
  • Process your Personal Information for the purpose required in terms of our business relationship.
  • Not allow unauthorised access or sharing of your information. Should there be a requirement for further processing of your information, you will be informed accordingly.
  • Only store personal information for as long as necessary and required by law.
  • Take care to ensure that your Personal Information is complete, accurate, not misleading, and up to date.
  • Be open and transparent on the Personal information required and what is used for.
  • Undertake to safeguard and protect your Personal Information whilst in our possession.
  • Ensure participation from yourself should you enquire about the Personal Information in our possession.


In providing products and services to you, Personal Information forms the basis of the transaction.  In order to fulfill our duties, your data will be shared with other parties to process and is only done so in line with contractual relationships and as required by the relevant laws, and as outlines in our Privacy Policy.

In the processing of share your personal information, Shannon Elizabeth Foundation will not only act in line with POPIA, but also other laws that relate to your personal information, including the contractual obligation between the respective parties.

POPIA also allows you to voice concerns or complaints.  You can do this with the Information Officer, and if not satisfied with the outcome, to the Information Regulator.  The details are:

The Information Officer: Simon Borchert The Information Regulator
Shannon Elizabeth Foundation Website: https://www.justice.gov.za/inforeg/
Telephone Number: 074 715 5566 Telephone number: 012 406 4818
Email: simon@shannonelizabeth.org Email: inforeg@justice.gov.za